Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Friends Rock

Bad day? Yes. But that's ok, because I am lucky enough to be surrounded by some awesome friends. Most of them have no idea what it feels like to have your fiance across the world in a war zone, or what its like to be planning a wedding, and attending nursing school, and working on top of it. 

I really am glad my friends aren't going through all these things, because one of them is tough enough alone, but each of them knows at least a small part of how I feel, and they all have a special part in making this doable for me. I couldn't have better friends here by my side, and even states away that help me everyday. 

I owe these girl much more than just saying "Thank You" and one day I hope I can help them nearly half as much as they've helped in these past couple months. We still have a ways to go but I know I've got these girls behind me and that I can make it.

So to all you girls who offer words of advice or just an ear to listen. Thank you. You may not understand just how much that really helps. Because of you I have made it another day, and we have another day down! 

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