I've been so crazy busy so it's been awhile since I've had time to update everyone on everything. I'm just taking nursing school one day at a time (that's the only way to do it). I love every minute at the hospital during clinical, well maybe not exactly every minute, but it is pretty fun and will be more than happy to see this semester end. Soon!
Andrew's been keeping busy himself, not much new to report on him except that he is safe and that makes us all happy. I've been missing him a whole lot lately, we've made it 4 months and its really starting to drag on and on, but it's progress! Andrew's learning to play the guitar is his down time, and has been posting a few pictures on Facebook, which is nice. He sent me the most beautiful flowers this weekend to remind me that he is missing me and that he loves me! :) he's a sweetheart. I am blessed having him by my side forever.
Wedding planning has been on a stand still. Everything else has been keeping me far to busy to even think about wedding things (although I'd much rather think wedding than school). In just 4 weeks when school is over I'll be a wedding crazed fool and I can't wait! Wednesday marks less than 200 days until the wedding! 199 actually! :) I know I cannot wait to be Andrew's wife! He's excited too! We've been ready for this day for a long time.
Well friend, I really having nothing all the great to share. A nap is calling my name because my favorite show is on TV tonight!! (The Following!... if you don't watch it, well you're missing out and you should!)
Things have been a little rough in Afghanistan lately, I notice it on the news (then quickly change the channel), so please keep the 603rd Company in your thoughts and prayers as well as all the other troops away from their loved ones.
We have another day down! and month! <3
this is one of the pictures he has posted recently. he is adorable.